We invite you to explore detail history of the company
Mineral waters of the Birštonas town have been known since the Middle Ages. The beginning of settlement of the resort town is also linked to mineral waters. Sick people who were coming to Birštonas were staying in huts of locals and taking mineral water baths, as well as drinking the water. The name of Birštonas was first mentioned in 1382, in reports of intelligence officers of the order of the Crusaders as "a farmstead by salty water". The first patients were successfully cured in Birštonas in 1846. This year is considered to be the official date of establishment of the resort town.
Dr. Radecki discovered a spring of water with high mineral content close to the bed of the river Nemunas in 1878. He was given the name Victoria, and later on prominent Lithuanian writer J.Tumas-Vaižgantas has suggested to call it Vytautas. Chemical analysis of the water carried out by the doctor in St. Petersburg showed that it has high content of useful minerals.
Lithuanian writer Juozas Tumas-Vaižgantas suggested to name the mineral water after Vytautas and Birutė.
The Company links the start of its operations to the year 1924, when bottled mineral water was first offered to the market; the water was carbonized and prepared for wider use. Since waters of the region were widely known for their useful properties, it was decided to build a plant in the town of Birštonas to spread the use of the water with unique properties beyond the limits of the resort town.
The plant of the Company Birštono mineraliniai vandenys was expanded in 1980. A big annex was constructed to expand mineral water production facilities and establish an office.
Natural mineral water Vytautas was awarded the Gold Medal at the Lithuanian Product of the Year 2004 awards.
Since 2004, Vytautas is the official water of the Žalgiris basketball club.
New PET bottle production facilities and a bottling line were launched in 2007, having invested over LTL 3,000,000.
In 2008, after years of exploration of the spring, Birštono mineraliniai vandenys started bottling a new natural mineral water Akvilė.
The TV campaign of 2008 was recognised as the most effective advertising campaign in Lithuania.
Sponsorship of Eurobasket 2011, the most important sports event ever held in Lithuania.
"Birštono mineraliniai vandenys" became the market leader in the mineral water category.
Natural mineral water Vytautas: the first choice product in Lithuania, in the category of food and drinks.
The Internet campaign of 2012 was recognised as the most effective Internet advertising campaign in Lithuania.
The Company was the first to start bottling its products into more environment friendly, raw material saving PET packaging.
The Company's products in the category of mineral water are the most appreciated among residents of Lithuania. Natural mineral water Vytautas has been recognised as the most popular product for the third year in a row.
Ettevõte seostab tegutsemise algust aastaga 1924, mil esmakordselt alustati karboniseeritud mineraalvee tööstuslikku villimist pudelitesse, pidades silmas laiemat tarbijaskonda. Kuna selle piirkonna veed olid laialdaselt tuntud oma kasulike omaduste poolest, otsustati Birštonase linna rajada tehas, et ka tarbijad väljaspool kuurortlinna piirkonda saaksid nautida ainulaadsete omadustega vett.
Esimese ettevõttena alustatati toodangu villimist keskkonnasõbralikumasse ja toorainet säästvamasse PET pakenditesse.
Lietuviešu rakstnieks Juozas Tumass-Vaižgantas izdomā minerālūdens "Vytautas" un "Birute" nosaukumus.
2008.gadā uzņēmuma TV kampaņa tika atzīta par efektīvāko kampaņu Lietuvā.
2012.gadā uzņēmuma interneta kampaņa tika atzīta par visefektīvāko reklāmas kampaņu Lietuvā.
The Company's products in the category of mineral water are the most appreciated among residents of Lithuania. Natural mineral water Vytautas has been recognised as the most popular product for the third year in a row.